

Resumo do Serviço de Interrupção (2021/05/03) e Planos de Capacidade

A Quad9 foi alvo de um ataque distribuído de negação de serviço (DDoS) que teve início a 3 de Maio, às 16:10 UTC, e que durou cerca de noventa minutos nos websites mais afetados.

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O serviço de nome de domínio público da Quad9 transfere-se para a Suíça para uma maior proteção da privacidade na internet

A Quad9 é a primeira solução de segurança DNS a estender as proteções de privacidade RGPD a utilizadores de internet do mundo inteiro.

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Quad9 Files Official Objection Opposing Sony Music’s German Court Ruling

The objection we are filing against the injunction is extensive with many procedural and jurisdictional arguments, all of which we believe are valid reasons for dismissal or which support those reasons.

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DNS Blocking Effectiveness: Recent Independent Tests

Quad9’s DNS blocking service has recently been part of an independent test done to compare various DNS-based blocking systems.

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Cyber Peace Institute Panel: Increased need for cybersecurity on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19

The health care sector is on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and protecting their networks is an important part of our need for increased cybersecurity right now.

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Quad9 Sees Massive Growth in Blocked DNS Volume

Quad9’s free, open recursive DNS service blocks hosts, which contain malware, phishing, botnets, spyware, and a variety of other risks that try to defraud end-users, or harm their computers or networks. Millions of users around the world use Quad9’s free DNS recursive resolvers ( to map hostnames to IP addresses as part of almost every Internet transaction.

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Help: My New COVID-19 Site is Getting Blocked!

In times such as these, bad cyber-actors will also emerge. We’ve been alerted to a rise in phishing, malware, and ransomware attacks from a number of our Threat Intelligence Providers and public sources such as; EFF, IBM, and DomainTools. Rest assured, we are working to protect our global user base and add these malicious sites into our Block List as quickly as possible.

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Quad9 Helps Protect You While Working From Home…Oh, and All the Other Times Too!

As physical offices and schools shut down worldwide, people are rapidly relying more and more on a home-based telecommuting environment. Security protections once provided by enterprise or school network administrators must be available to the home network.

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