

Informe de la Interrupción del Servicio (2021/05/03) y Proyectos de Capacidad

Quad9 fue el blanco de un ataque de denegación de servicio distribuido que comenzó a las 16:10 UTC el 3 de mayo, el cual perduró durante unos noventa minutos en los sitios más afectados.

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El servicio de nombres de dominio público de Quad9 se traslada a Suiza para lograr la máxima protección de la privacidad en Internet

Quad9 es la primera solución de seguridad de DNS que extiende las protecciones de privacidad del RGPD a los usuarios de Internet en todo el mundo.

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DNS Blocking Effectiveness: Recent Independent Tests

Quad9’s DNS blocking service has recently been part of an independent test done to compare various DNS-based blocking systems.

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Web Giants Scrambled to Head Off a Dangerous DDoS Technique

John Todd, the executive director of the nonprofit DNS provider Quad9, wrote in an email that “this threat is/was quite real,” but also noted that it’s “somewhat complex to deploy and leaves some fingerprints,” since the attacker would have to run their own DNS domains.

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Cyber Peace Institute Panel: Increased need for cybersecurity on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19

The health care sector is on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and protecting their networks is an important part of our need for increased cybersecurity right now.

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Microsoft adds initial support for DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) in Windows Insiders

Support for the DNS-over-HTTPS protocol has landed this week in Windows Insiders, Microsoft’s experimental version of Windows, where the company tests new features before making them broadly available.

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Windows Insiders can now test DNS over HTTPS

If you have been waiting to try DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on Windows 10, you’re in luck: the first testable version is now available to Windows Insiders!

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Quad9 Executive Director Joins Cyber Peace Institute Panel on Protecting the Health Care Sector During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The health care sector is on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and protecting their networks is an important part of our need for increased cybersecurity right now.

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DomainTools Announces Domain Hotlist: An Important Component to the Quad9 Family of Threat Intelligence Sources

As part of our continuous effort to create a safer Internet, Quad9 is proud to support DomainTools‘ Domain Hotlist – a “predictive, prioritized, and easily consumable block list that identifies active, high-risk domains.” Since Quad9 embedded Domain Hotlist to its service it has blocked nearly 35.8 million DNS requests to bad domains, establishing it as a top-producing data source.

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