

Quad9 Network Problem 2022-12-12

This week, a routing leak by an unrelated network in Kinshasa, DRC caused non-optimal paths to Quad9 for a few European Union and North American operators from 12:15 to 13:40 UTC on Monday. Liquid Telecom became the favorite path for Verizon, BT, and some Orange France networks, overloading our site in Kinshasa.

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Quad9 Trends December 2022: Cyber Insights

Beginning in December 2022, Quad9 will begin releasing a monthly, in-depth report that explores the trending DNS lookups of malicious host names that we blocked during the prior month.

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Celebrando cinco años de seguridad y privacidad - Una mirada retrospectiva al impacto de Quad9 en la ciberseguridad

Celebrando cinco años de privacidad - Una mirada retrospectiva al impacto de Quad9 en la ciberseguridad Muchas cosas pueden cambiar en cinco años, sobre todo en el mundo de la ciberseguridad y la protección de la privacidad en línea. Con motivo de la celebración del Quinto Aniversario de Quad9, echemos un vistazo a cómo su crecimiento ha contribuido a hacer del Internet un lugar más seguro para todos.

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How Quad9 is Protecting Election Integrity

Quad9 is championing election security and freedom of access to information at the DNS provider level. Check out how maliciously blocking political candidate websites has become the latest trend in election tampering and what measures Quad9 is taking to prevent this from happening.

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What’s the Difference Between Recursive DNS and Authoritative DNS - 2022

As you contemplate which option best fits your needs, you’ll likely notice the terms recursive DNS and authoritative DNS tossed around. It is important to understand the difference between these two components of the domain name system and the role that each plays in browsing the web. Spoiler alert – for the average internet user, one of these types of services likely won’t apply.

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¿Por qué debería cambiar a un servidor DNS con énfasis en la seguridad y la privacidad?

Protegerse en línea es hoy más importante que nunca y, a medida que Internet evoluciona, el software antivirus y los analizadores de malware ya no ofrecen suficiente protección. Descubramos la última herramienta en materia de seguridad y privacidad, los servidores DNS.

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An Update to the Quad9 and Sony Music German Court Injunction – August 2022

Quad9 has filed an appeal in Hamburg as well as requested the court in Hamburg to set a deadline for Sony to initiate the main proceeding. This would allow additional evidence, such as witnesses or expert testimony to be utilized, which was not possible in the preliminary proceeding, which only permitted affidavits.

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Mobile Provisioning Profiles

iOS Mobile Provisioning Profiles for Quad9 protective DNS services

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Has Led to Increased Cyber Risk - Protect Yourself With Quad9

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has increased global cyber risk. Users can protect themselves and mitigate against cyber attacks by implementing Quad9.

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DNS4EU - Perspectiva y situación de Quad9

Quad9 dedica sus esfuerzos a "elevar el nivel" de los operadores de rDNS en todos los ámbitos. Esperábamos que esta licitación creara incentivos para que los operadores de rDNS con sede en la UE (proveedores de servicios de Internet, empresas de telecomunicaciones, operadores de servicios de red o plataformas de rDNS) trabajen para conseguir un conjunto equivalente de directrices de privacidad y seguridad. Esperábamos que Quad9 fuese uno de los diversos candidatos ganadores que financiaran la expansión y la optimización del servicio en toda la UE.

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