

Why You Should Be Using a Privacy-Centric DNS Service in 2025

*January 2025 — *We’re at that point in the story of technological advancements where the digital landscape is evolving at breakneck speed. However, with this rapid digitalization of personal information, data privacy has become more crucial than ever. Gone are the days of the late 90s when Internet users could largely ignore how their browsing habits were being tracked and exploited. Throughout 2025, the need for greater security and privacy online will be undeniable — *especially at the foundational level of our Internet connections: the Domain Name System (DNS)*. Security and privacy-centric DNS services are not just a fringe solution reserved for the tech-savvy. They are now an essential part of any modern Internet user’s toolkit. This month, we will discuss the risks of ignoring this critical layer of protection, the benefits for individuals, businesses, and society at large, and why using a privacy-centric DNS service in 2025 should be standard operating procedure for anyone with a connected device.

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How Quad9 DNS Can Safeguard Your Holiday Shopping

The holiday shopping season is upon us and with it comes a surge in online activity. Unfortunately, this increased online traffic also presents a prime opportunity for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities and steal sensitive information. To protect our users, Quad9 blocks DNS lookups of malicious host names from an up-to-the-minute list of threats.

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Quad9 JSON-based DNS service retires 5 May, 2025

Quad9 is sunsetting our JSON-based DNS lookup service on TCP port 5053, and will retire the service on 5 May, 2025. We encourage any users of this system to migrate to DNS-over-HTTPS (DOH) on port 443 or DNS-over-TLS (DOT) on port 853, both of which use IETF standards for DNS delivery in a secure manner.

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Staff Highlight: Babak Farrokhi

At Quad9, we aim to show appreciation for the dedication of our staff and their contributions to the growth and health of the organization by showcasing quarterly staff highlights. This quarter, we are featuring Director of Operations, Babak Farrokhi.

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Rack of servers and networking equipment, lit with white light from the back.

Trends H1 2024: Cyber Insights

To protect our users, Quad9 blocks DNS lookups of malicious host names from an up-to-the-minute list of threats. This blocking action protects your computer, mobile device, or IoT systems against a wide range of threats, such as malware, phishing, spyware, and botnets, and it can improve performance and privacy. This blogpost provides security insights on the threats blocked by Quad9 DNS between January and June 2024. The report combines DNS telemetry data and open-source intelligence with statistics and analysis to provide security insights on the top malicious domains visited by our users and blocked by Quad9 DNS. Additionally, the post presents key regional threats targeting Quad9 users.

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Rack of servers and networking equipment, lit with white light from the back.

Quad9 Cyber Insights: from Malawi

Quad9's Post-Deployment Observations of Malawi's Cybersecurity Landscape. Quad9 is a global DNS service that offers enhanced cybersecurity measures, privacy protection, and improved Internet performance. Quad9's arrival in Malawi marks a pivotal advancement in fortifying the country's digital infrastructure, bringing with it enhanced cybersecurity safeguards, robust privacy protection, and a boost in Internet performance.

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Italienische Sperrungsforderungen: Einem Schlechten Beispiel Folgen

Während unser Fall in Deutschland zu Gunsten von Quad9 entschieden wurde, erhielten wir einen weiteren Antrag von kommerziellen Interessen in einem EU-Land auf Sperrung von Domainnamen, wiederum auf der Grundlage angeblicher Urheberrechtsverletzungen. Italienische Anwälte haben uns eine Liste von Domains und einen Antrag auf Sperrung dieser Domains übermittelt. Nun müssen wir erneut entscheiden, wie wir in diesem Rechtsstreit vorgehen wollen, und das in einem anderen Land, in dem wir weder unseren Sitz noch eine Niederlassung haben.

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Quad9 gewinnt das Berufungsverfahren beim OLG Dresden

Der heutige Tag ist ein positiver Moment in unseren Bemühungen um die Erhaltung des Internets als neutrale und vertrauenswürdige Ressource für alle. Das Oberlandesgericht Dresden hat heute entschieden, dass die Berufung in unserem Fall gegen Sony Entertainment (Deutschland) erfolgreich war. Das Gericht hat klar und unmissverständlich zu Gunsten von Quad9 entschieden. Wir freuen uns natürlich sehr über diese Nachricht.

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Rack of servers and networking equipment, lit with white light from the back.

Quad9 Cybersecurity Trends and Insights | Q3 2023

In the third quarter, our users were targeted by a variety of threats, including phishing, banking trojans, crypto-malware, and stalkerware. This quarterly report analyses the top malicious domains blocked by Quad9 DNS and the threats associated with them. For more detailed data on the specific threat categories and volumes of attempted access, please refer to the dedicated sections of this report.

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Quad9 & Sony Music: German Injunction Update for July 2023

Quad9 has been part of a potentially precedent-setting legal case involving Sony Music Entertainment (Germany). The suit involves Sony’s demand that Quad9 block DNS resolution for our users for a specific domain, unrelated to Quad9, on which Sony asserts there are web-based links that lead to copyright-infringing content.

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